Message from Chairman PMEX Limited

28 Apr, 2018

As Chairman, I am proud to be associated with Pakistan's only multi-commodity futures exchange, celebrating completion of 10 years of eventful history. During the span of 10 years, the Exchange achieved various landmarks, which would have not been possible without the guidance of SECP, active participation of the Board on strategy matters, relentless efforts of our management and above all the hard work of our highly dedicated team.
I look forward to guide the Exchange in linking itself to the real economy by bringing trading of local agricultural produce on its platform. All these developments will facilitate the farmers to receive fair price of their produce, contain post-harvest losses and above all food security for the country.
I strongly believe in the enormous potential of the Exchange and am confident that it will play a very significant role in the development and streamlining of the agricultural sector of the country in coming times.

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