Message from CEO Nachfolger (Pvt) Limited

28 Apr, 2018

My profound congratulations to PMEX on its 10th Birthday! It has indeed been a journey of evolution and perseverance. PMEX is a fully legitimate gateway to International Commodity and Forex trade. It serves as an excellent diversification portal for Pakistani investors who can now easily spread their risk across Commodities &Forex; in addition to Equities and Fixed Income avenues. We were perceived by PMEX not merely as a broker; rather as a major stakeholder. Our suggestions and concerns were duly heeded and addressed expeditiously. PMEX deserves applaud for constantly expanding its product range across the spectrum. Existing products are now being offered in a wide array of contract sizes that aim to accommodate every class of investor; from smallest to the largest. In time, PMEX will serve as a savior for our small to mid-sized agriculturists who have always suffered at the hands of middle men and manipulators. They would now have a platform in the shape of PMEX to ensure they receive their money's worth and their efforts.
Another commendable milestone by PMEX is the introduction of International Equity Indices which shall enable traders to indirectly access international equity trade with utmost ease. The true potential of PMEX and its stakeholders would only be realized if a concerted, coordinated and holistic effort is made to clamp down on illegal avenues of Commodity and Forex trade mushroomed across the country. This difficult but inescapable task is not only beneficial to PMEX; rather it is of paramount importance to the ultimate goal of investor protection in our country. Lastly, I wish PMEX all the very best in its efforts and all future endeavors.

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