Pakistan, India establish hotline contact

29 Apr, 2018

Hotline Contact was established between Pakistani and Indian directors general military operations, says a press release issued by the Inter Services Public Relations Saturday. According to the ISPR, DGMO Pakistan Army took up the issue of continuing surge in Ceasefire Violations (CFVs) by Indian Army along LOC / WB.
He also highlighted deliberate targeting of innocent civilians residing along LOC / WB by Indian Forces on false pretext of reaction against alleged cross LOC/WB infiltration. So far, during the current year, 219 innocent civilians including 112 women / children have become casualty (Shaheed/ injured) due to Indian targeted CFVs.
DGMO Pakistan said that such unprofessional and unethical acts are provocative, detrimental to the peace, vitiate the situation along LOC and also contribute towards further escalation. He further said that instead of blame game Indian Security Forces need to look inwards. DGMO Pakistan emphasised that durable peace along LOC/ WB is contingent upon practical manifestation of existing understandings by Indian troops on ground.

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