Body to sort out budget anomalies: Mazhar

01 May, 2018

FPCCI's senior vice president and chairman of its Budget Advisory Council, Syed Mazhar Ali Nasir, has expressed hope that anomalies of the federal fiscal budget for 2018-19 will be addressed at the meeting of the anomaly committee.
He said government has formulated three committees on budget anomaly; export package; and GIDC to address the relevant issues expeditiously, before passing of the Finance Bill, 2018 by the National Assembly.
The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry's leader also referred to the issues relating to all sort of refunds, further tax, GIDC, pharmaceutical industry, commercial importers, LPG, construction industry and other major issues of the Finance Bill, 2018.
The president Ghazanfar Bilour and SVP Syed Mazhar Ali Nasir of the FPCCI gave mixed reaction on the budget announced on April 27, 2018. They also thanked Prime Minister, federal ministers for finance and Commerce and FBR chairman for giving due importance to the
FPCCI budgetary proposals and incorporating most of them in the Finance Bill, 2018. However, they showed concerns on some of the fiscal measures proposed in Finance Bill. FPCCI leader said Finance Minister Miftah Ismail had agreed to visit the FPCCI's headquarters in Karachi this week and hold a meeting with the business community. They said this would be his first visit to any trade body after assuming the portfolio of Finance Minister.

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