Punjab Safe Cities Authority takes pleasure in sharing its Integrated Command, Control and Communication Centre's (IC3) Performance Review for the month of April 2018. In a bid to serve E-Data requests by Punjab Police and other LEAs, PPIC3 centre provided Electronic Evidence Data pertaining to more than 130 heinous crime cases that included 50 dacoity/snatching investigations and, not less than, six kidnapping for ransom/abduction investigations. The PSCA Public Safety app also set its mark high this month thereby contributing to the recovery of five persons, three vehicles and 64 motor bikes through its infamous Lost & Found section.
Authority's Operations Monitoring Centre secured more than 14,775 observations that warranted more than 10 FIRs and interception of more than 194 suspicious persons by PRU and Dolphin Squad. The OMC employs state of the art CCTV Surveillance Operations through the geo-strategic grid of cameras within the metropolis. The OMC managed to apprehend 1150 vehicles without number plates through relevant Police Stations. More than 131 rallies and protests were monitored and security measures were taken thereof.
The 15 Emergency Helpline received more than 320,000 calls, out of which, 222,970 calls were considered hoaxes and on approximately 30,000 calls, with genuine concerns, the Dispatch Control Centre (DCC) generated cases for further action. 1,937 of such cases were pertinent to Rescue-1122 and around 1,927 of such cases sought for traffic management or CTP help. 1,062 calls reported harassment/eve-teasing charges whereby 465 cases were considered valid generating Police interception. The Media Monitoring Centre (MMC) cracked down on 138 objectionable social media pages & IDs containing violent, anti-state or profane content. PSCA also carried out traffic laws awareness drive through its unprecedented VMS screen installed across all prominent roads within the city.