Buffett says Berkshire Hathaway is sound even without him

07 May, 2018

Investor guru Warren Buffett, 87, told shareholders Saturday that his holding company Berkshire Hathaway will continue to prosper after he is gone. At an annual shareholders' meeting in his home town of Omaha, Nebraska, Buffett was peppered with questions about the future of the company without Buffett, who is a quasi deity among the investing public.
He said Berkshire Hathaway's success was not due to his celebrity status but rather to good business sense when it comes to sniffing out business opportunities and making sound investments. "The reputation belongs to Berkshire. Now, for somebody that cares about a business we absolutely are the first call and will continue to be the first call," he said. Investors in America tend to turn to Buffett and see what he is doing with his billions during bad times, such as during the big financial crisis of the previous decade.

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