Parties urged to make Kashmir issue part of manifesto

09 May, 2018

An All Parties Conference (APC) on Kashmir on Tuesday called upon all political parties in the country to include the liberation of Kashmir issue among their priorities in election manifesto and give a clear roadmap in this direction. The demand was made by Emir Jamaat-e-Islami, Senator Sirajul Haq, at a joint press conference along with the prominent leaders of the ruling party and the opposition.
Hurriat Conference leaders also attended the moot at which the Prime Minister Azad Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider, JI Emir AJK Dr Khalid Mehmud and former JI chief AJK Abdur Rashid Turabi were also present. The APC stressed upon all political parties and the nation to get ready for a decisive war on Kashmir.
The conference termed the foreign policy of the country as a total failure and called for appointing a deputy Foreign Minister on Kashmir affairs to highlight the issue and awaken the world conscience in view of the genocide of the Kashmiris going on for years.
Sirajul Haq said Pakistan being a party to the Kashmir dispute, should adopt an aggressive policy on Kashmir, a budget should be allocated for the liberation of Kashmir and non-military support should also be extended to them. He said APC had also decided to hold international moots on Kashmir in New York, London and Brussels and a joint meeting of the government and the opposition in Muzaffarabad.
Haq said brutalities of the Indian forces in Held Kashmir had been continuing since decades and incidents of rape and murder of minor girls were being reported almost every day but the world media was not giving any importance to that. He deplored that the molestation of eight-year-old Asifa had not been given due coverage in the media.
He said Kashmiris were embracing martyrdom every day for the cause of Pakistan but the rulers in Islamabad were ignoring them. He also deplored the silence of the UN and the OIC in this regard. The JI chief said Kashmir was not an economic issue but water of the Neelum, Jhelum and Sutlej Rivers was flowing into the country only because of the Kashmir Jehad.
He said if that water was blocked, millions of the people in the Punjab would be compelled to migrate to other areas. Haq said the President and the Prime minister of AJK were elected people and they should also be given their due importance.

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