Chairpersons of three Senate committees elected

09 May, 2018

Senators Nuzhat Sadiq, Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri and Shamim Afridi were respectively elected as Chairpersons of the Senate Standing Committees on Maritime Affairs, Religious Affairs & Inter-Faith Harmony and Water Resources whereas Senator Mustafa Nawaz Khokar was elected as Chairman of Functional Committee on Human Rights. Elections of the Chairpersons of the Committees were held at the Parliament House as contemplated by the Rule 184(1) of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 2012.
Name of Senator Nuzhat Sadiq was proposed by Senator Shamim Afridi for the Chairmanship of the Senate Standing Committee on Maritime Affairs which was seconded by Senator Sitara Ayaz.
Maulana Abdul Haideri was elected as Chairman of the Senate Standing on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony. Leader of the House in the Senate, Senator Raja Muhammad Zafar ul Haq seconded the proposal. The newly elected Chairman observed that the committee would make all efforts for promoting inter-faith harmony. Raja Zafar ul Haq while felicitating the newly elected chairman said that the committee had crucial role to play as there was dire need to promote peaceful coexistence among various faiths and beliefs. Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Sherry Rehman said the committee had a huge role to play to promote inter-faith harmony.
Senator Shamim Afridi was elected as Chairman of the Water Resource committee after name was seconded by Senator Shibli Faraz. Members of the committee greeted Shamim Afridi and assured their cooperation. Expressing her felicitations, Senator Sherry Rehman Leader of the Opposition in the Senate observed that water scarcity and fair distribution of water resources were some of the issues that the committee needed to focus on. She said Pakistan was seventh water scarce country and there was need to take serious steps to address water related issues the country is faced with.
Senator Agha Shahzaib Durrani said water issue was critical and the committee had to take it as a challenge.
Senator Mustafa Nawaz Khokar was elected as chairman of the Functional Committee on Human Rights. His name was proposed by the Leader of the House in the Senate Raja Muhammad Zafarul Haq and was seconded by Senator Keshoo Bai. Chairman of the Committee said collective efforts would be made to uphold human rights as envisaged under the Constitution and address issues relating to human rights violations. He thanked the members for reposing confidence in him. All the Committee Chairpersons were elected unopposed.

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