Armenian protest leader elected prime minister

09 May, 2018

Armenia's parliament on Tuesday elected opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan as prime minister after he spearheaded weeks of mass protests against the ruling party, transforming the country's political landscape. Lawmakers voted 59 to 42 to approve Pashinyan for the job, after the ruling Republican Party came around to backing his premiership bid on his second attempt.
The party had narrowly voted him down last week, plunging the Caucasus nation into its most serious political crisis in years. "My first work after my election will be ensuring a normal life in the country," Pashinyan said ahead of the vote. "There will be no corruption in Armenia. Armenia will once and for all turn the page of political persecutions." The 42 year-old added that Armenia's relations with Russia will "remain a priority". "Military cooperation with Russia is an important factor in ensuring our country's security," Pashinyan said, referring to a two-decade long conflict his country is locked in with neighbouring Azerbaijan. "We will (also) be developing relations with European countries and the United States, with Iran and Georgia, China and India," he added.
The head of the ruling Republican Party's parliamentary faction, Vagram Bagdasaryan, said his party backed Pashinyan to "ensure stability" in the country. "We did not change our position. We are against Nikol Pashinyan's candidacy, but the most important thing for us is to ensure stability in the country," Bagdasaryan said ahead of the vote. Pashinyan called for an end to the protests after the Republicans - who have 58 MPs in the 105-seat legislature - promised to back him in the second attempt.
The 42-year-old former newspaper editor also secured the support of two other major political parties - Prosperous Armenia and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) - which nominated him for the post together with his opposition Elk coalition. Pashinyan was the only candidate for the premiership.
On Tuesday morning, ahead of the vote, thousands of Pashinyan supporters gathered in Yerevan's central Republic Square, sporting white t-shirts with their leader's portrait or dancing traditional Armenian dances and chanting "Nikol prime minister".

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