Drive to enrol children in Fata schools launched

11 May, 2018

Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Iqbal Zafar Jhagra formally launched children enrollment drive in Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) here at Governor's House Thursday. Besides, Secretary Social Sector FATA Yousaf Raheem and Director Education FATA Hashim Khan, Additional Director Education FATA, Heads of UNICEF and UNDP and concerned officials of FATA Secretariat were also present on the occasion.
He said that good effects of implementation of education emergency in FATA can be clearly seen and added in 2017, 143,000 students in FATA have been enrolled in educational institutes, which proved that parents are willing to educate their children.
On the occasion kids were provided free bags and books also. He further added, "There is no dearth in talent among FATA students. They can compete at all levels." The present Government is putting all its efforts into ensuring equal education opportunities for the people of FATA at par with other progressive areas.
He said education and knowledge were keys to socio-economic development of the country. He said education was given top most priority and said we have already announced education emergency in tribal areas. He said to make Pakistan developed and sovereign we have to educate every child throughout the country.
He said no efforts would be spared to get 100% school children enrolled in FATA. He said education is pre-requisite for the real development of Pakistan. He said all out efforts are being taken to provide access to education at the doorstep to all the school going children in FATA.
Addressing the ceremony, the Governor said, "education is one of the powerful tools which can change the fate of any nation in a good sense." While lauding the efforts of UNICEF and UNDP he added, "With the help of these donor agencies education campaign will be launched successfully.
While congratulating the students the Governor has said that education is the right of every children and it is the responsibility of the state to provide education. He said facilities of education and books will be provided to the students without delay. Governor also distributed the certificates to position holder students and congratulated them. He said special steps are being taken to enroll children in schools till 31st May.
He also extended felicitations to those, boys and girls, who continued their studies and clinched positions in the examination despite the current adverse circumstances and expressed his hope that the children will consistently focus their attention on studies and will prove to be the shining stars of FATA in future as well. He said FATA students have great potential and have the ability to compete with students of prestigious institutions of the country.

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