MWM supporters stage rally against Trump admin

14 May, 2018

Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jafari-led supporters of Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen staged a rally on 'Down with USA Day' on Sunday in Karachi where they marched from Numaish Chowrangi to Tibet Centre on MA Jinnah Road. The MWM chief had appealed to the supporters to observe 'Down with USA Day' to express their opposition to the US administration and their allies who have imposed wars on many Muslim nations in Middle East and Trump's decision to shift US embassy from Tel Aviv to occupied Jerusalem. The protesters were carrying flags, banners and placards inscribed with slogans against Zionist regime of Israel and the US administration. They were demanding end to war on Muslim nations by the US and its allies in Middle East.
Speaking at the rally, Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jafari lambasted the US administration for violation of international law and unqualified support to the Israeli crimes against humanity.
"Nothing new in President Trump's slurs against Pakistan. The US administration under past presidents too had insulted Pakistani nation time and again," he said, adding that on behalf of Pakistani nation, he turns down the baseless charges against Pakistan by the violator of international law and abettor of Israeli crimes against humanity. He said the US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and now its presence in Syria is another violation of international law and part of its plot against Muslim world. He said not only Muslim nations, but Latin American nations and African nations too suffered due to conspiracies of the US administration and its CIA.
Allama Raja Nasir further said that Indian embassy in Washington had hired separatists to destabilize Pakistan hence the US administration can never be trusted. He said the US and its allies are putting pressure on Pakistan to stay away from Iran despite the fact that Iran is the only country which is capable to address our energy needs and the only road and railway link with another friendly country Turkey; but, the US and allies caused Pakistan irreparable losses to the tune of billions of dollars because governments gave in to their pressure and didn't complete IP gas pipeline and also didn't enhance trade with Iran.
He said that the US-led alliance has hatched plots against all nations who are opposed to illegal Zionist occupation of Palestine and parts of Lebanon and Syria.

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