PM puts his weight behind ex-PM

15 May, 2018

Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi claimed on Monday that National Security Council (NSC) did not condemn Nawaz Shairf's statement but misreporting of the statement was condemned. Soon after a meeting of National Serenity Council (NSC), speaking to media person at a hurriedly convened briefing after having a meeting with former PM Nawaz Sharif, Abbasi stated that the entire PML-N is standing with Nawaz Sharif.
Abbasi confirmed his meeting with Sharif and stated whatever he is stating to media is based on information provided to him by the former primer who stated that his interview with Dawn was misreported and he had not said all that was attributed to him. He said that only a few lines from the interview were picked up by Indian media and Pakistani media also did the same thing.
When repeatedly asked by the media persons about condemnation of the statement by the NSC, the Prime Minister stated that meeting did not condemn Nawaz Sharif's statement but condemned misreporting of the statement.
He also reiterated his statement that Nawaz Sharif was his prime minister even today and the entire party is standing with Nawaz Sharif.
Abbasi stated that Pakistan's policy is not to allow any non-state actors to use its territory against any country. Pakistan has always been intolerant against the non-state actors.
The Prime Minister further stated that he will not leave the government even one minute before the expiry of its term and there is no change in civil-military relations following the remarks of Nawaz Sharif. "We will continue till May 31 midnight when the government's tenure will expire," he added.
Abbasi said that no one is pulling his strings - in an obvious reference to former Prime Minister's displeasure over NSC statement - and it was his own decision to give explanatory statement through media talk.

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