PSP chief blames Nawaz for endangering national security

16 May, 2018

Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP) chairman Mustafa Kamal on Tuesday demanded that a commission be formed to put the record straight vis-à-vis the statement of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif about Mumbai attacks because it has endangered national security and state. Speaking at a press conference PSP chief said that Nawaz Sharif took revenge from Pakistan by showing his anger. He turned down the statement as totally baseless.
Kamal said given the fact that former prime minister has publicly issued baseless statements against Pakistan, no one know how many state secrets he would have shared with the enemies of Pakistan behind the doors to save his premiership. Kamal praised national security institutions for exercising restraint despite the allegations made by former premier. He said Nawaz's statement was a tactic to malign the armed forces and weaken the state.
"Armed forces of the country are being weakened through propaganda. The countries such as Iraq and Syria plunged into chaos after their national armies were weakened," he alerted. Flanked by PSP president Anis Qaimkhani and members of Central Executive Committee and National Council, he said that by said remarks Nawaz proved that all the charges levelled against him during last five years were true.
"Nawaz Sharif washed away all of his good work, if had done any, by giving that anti-Pakistan statement," PSP chief said, adding that his statement exposed his real face because he strengthened narrative of enemies of the country. PSP chief lamented that he gave this anti-Pakistan statement despite the fact he was bestowed with Prime Ministerial slot thrice.
He also pointed out that Nawaz Sharif's meetings with Indian premier also created doubts and he should be interrogated what he shared with him. He also demanded incumbent Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi should be made to tender his resignation owing to Nawaz's statement (because Abbasi still recognise Nawaz as his leader).
"The statement is alarming as rumours are rife that sanctions may be imposed on Pakistan," he said, citing that the country was put under watch-list. Kamal also accused Nawaz Sharif of blackmailing the State for his personal gains. He asked Nawaz why he didn't express those views when he took oath of premiership. He appealed to the nation to reject anti-Pakistan elements by electing pro-Pakistan forces in upcoming elections this year.

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