Prize distribution ceremony of FICS held at NUST

16 May, 2018

Grand Finale and Prize Distribution Ceremony of Finding Innovative & Creative Solutions for Society (FICS'18), was held at National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) on Tuesday.
FICS is an annual three-stage intra NUST programme to promote social entrepreneurship, where the projects submitted are categorised as per the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This year, as many as 328 ideas were submitted by students from 13 NUST Schools and Colleges, out of which 137 were short listed for the FICS'18 Stage-2, held on March 27, 2018. However, a total of 54 teams made their way to the Grand Finale. Each of the finalist teams presented their prototype of technology-based innovative solution to a panel of 33 industry judges, said a press release.
The winner of FICS'18 was "Crop Monitoring," an innovative project by students of NUST School of Civil & Environmental Engineering (SCEE). Crop Monitoring is a platform designed to help farmers in monitoring their wheat fields by giving them real-time information about possible risks that could threaten their crops. "Codifying Brain," a project by students of NUST Pakistan Navy Engineering College (PNEC) and "Regenerative Medicine," a project by students of NUST Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB) were declared first and second runner-up, respectively.-PR

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