Bajaur Levies win Bajaur Cricket Super League

16 May, 2018

Bajaur Super League, the first ever private grand cricket festival in the agency concluded here Tuesday. Bajaur Levies Cricket Association won the BSL tournament by defeating Bajaur Green in the final match played at Bajaur sports complex. The Bajaur Super League (BSL) was organized by a private forum, Haji Gulab Construction Company private limited (HGCC) with an objective to explore the talent of local players in the agency.
Thousands of spectators, including tribal elders, political workers, youths, players and cricket fans from across the agency showed up the closing ceremony. Senior official of the local administration, including Additional political Agent Mehmood Ahmed and Assistant political Agent Anwarul Haq were present on the occasion.
Bajaur Agency Additional political Agent Muhammad Ahmed was the chief guest and given trophies to the winner and runner teams. He also distributed trophies and prizes among the best players of the tournament.

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