GB's cyclist Aqila eager to represent national team

21 May, 2018

A teenager but talented cyclist from Gilgit-Baltistan Aqila Saleem is confident that she would soon be representing national team provided in time opportunity to her. In an interview, the 17-year-old Aqila, who got the honour of being the only female cyclist from Gilgit-Baltistan took part side-by-side national and international cyclists in the recently concluded Serena International Tour de Khunjrab Road Cycle Race held in three different stages - first stage from Gilgit to Rakaposi View Point (66-kilometer), second stage from Rakaposi View Point to Sost (110-kilometers) and third stage from Sost to Khunjrab Pass (84-kilometers).
Surprisingly the male cyclists completed their first journey of 66km in 2 hours and 11-minutes but Aqila paddled past her most thrilling journey in 5 hours and 18 minutes 23sec. She did not look behind after starting an amateur cyclist and finished the first stage well behind the national and international cyclists' part of the race. Aqila has another cyclist Samreen from Islamabad completed the first stage by surprising everyone present on this occasion.
"I am a cyclist and riding on a cycle since my childhood. My first demand to my loving father Saleem, a local hotelier was to buy a cycle and since then I explored many places on my two-wheelar," she said, adding, "my first love is cycling and I want to be an international cyclist by representing Pakistan."
Hailing from a remote village Passu, District Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan, used to go on her bi-cycle to her education institution Government Girls College Gulmit, Gojal. "It is really fascinated me when other girls, from my village Passu, coming on foot and I used to go on my bicycle which clearly indicated my love toward cycling," Aqila Saleem added.
Aqila also took part in the second stage of 110km but she could not make it to the finish and after cycling for 57km, she starting walk alongside her ordinary cycle. "My aim was to complete in the second stage but I was badly feeling pain in my legs and afraid of developing cramps in my muscles that is why I could not reach to the finish line but I assure you next time I will complete all three stages," she added.
About her third stage, Aqila said that I have an ordinary cycle but I tried my hard to do cycling in the last stage to be finishing on Khunjrab Pass but it was so tough as the cyclists started the road race from 400m feet above sea leave and finished at high altitude 15500 feet which is rather a difficult task for me to reach at Khunjrab Pass.
Aqila said that she is so much eager to be part of the national and international cyclists but I don't have proper cycle, the cyclists used during the race. There is more than 57 slops and above 66 uphill tasks during the last stage of 84kilometer from Sost to Khunjrab Pass so it is rather not a good decision for me to cycle on such a danger track. Look it my cycle its breaks are inappropriate, without gear and a good chain," Aqila giving a laughing response added.
The national and international cyclists use different type of bicycle, with new technology, different in sized according to body structure, front and back wheels breaks, the addition of chains and cranks and pedals, gear for downhill and uphill and above all good control, so it is difficult for me to compete side-by-side as an amateur cyclist, Aqila remarked.
"Our livelihoods are more on tourism so holding of the Serena International Tour de Khunjrab Road Cycle Race is a good initiative in motivating people to adopt cycling for good health, free from pollutions, explore new venues and attract local and international tourists to visit this scenic places," she further added. "I have been promised by Secretary PCF to be invited to the national camp very soon and from now onward I started preparation so that I could show my talent in an appropriate manner," Aqila concluded.

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