State Bank statement of affairs

22 May, 2018

The statement of affairs of the State Bank of Pakistan, Banking Department, as on 09 February 2018.

Notes held in the I. A. Gold Coin and Bullion 315,212,070,000
Banking Department 134,352,000 Silver Bullion
Special Drawing Rights held with
Notes in Circulation 4,586,477,101,000 the International Monetary Fund 24,760,500,000
Approved Foreign Exchange* 354,354,082,000
Total Notes Issued 4,586,611,453,000 India notes representing assets -
receivable from the Reserve
Bank of India 697,554,000 695,024,206,000
B. Rupee Coin 656,175,000
Government of Pakistan
Securities 3,885,145,192,000
Internal Bills of Exchange and
Other Commercial Paper:-
i) Agricultural
ii) Industrial
Sector Rs
iii) Export Sector Rs
iv) Housing Sector Rs
v) Others Rs 3,885,801,367,000.0
II. Held with the Reserve Bank of
India pending transfer to
Gold Coin and Bullion 5,099,058,000
Sterling Securities 450,221,000
Government of India Securities 231,832,000
Rupee Coin 4,769,000 5,785,880,000
Total Liabilities 4,586,611,453,000 Total Assets 4,586,611,453,000
Dated the 17th day of May, 20 * Please also see the Statement of Affairs of the Banking Department
Capital paid up 100,000,000 Notes 134,352,000
Rupee Coin
Reserve Fund 103,135,671,000 Subsidiary Coins
Bills Purchased and Discounted:-
Rural Credit Fund 2,600,000,000 a) Internal:-
i) Agricultural Sector Rs
Industrial Credit Fund 1,600,000,000 ii) Industrial Sector Rs
iii) Export Sector Rs. 3,567,000
Export Credit Fund 1,500,000,000 iv) Housing Sector Rs
v) Others Rs. - 3,567,000
Loans Guarantee Fund 900,000,000 b) External
c) Government Treasury Bills
Housing Credit Fund 4,700,000,000 Balances held outside Pakistan
in Approved Foreign Exchange.* 1,005,216,867,000
Special Drawing Rights held with
Deposits:- the International Monetary Fund 32,516,275,000
Loans and Advances to Governments
Government Debtor Balances 45,648,375,000
(a) Federal Government 28,743,324,000 Loans and Advances to Scheduled Banks:-
A. Agricultural Sector Rs. 890,100,000
B. Industrial Sector Rs. 108,357,992,000
(b) Provincial Governments 94,085,037,000 C. Export Sector Rs. 287,754,769,000
D. Housing Sector Rs
E. Others Rs. 16,303,163,000 413,306,024,000
(c) Banks 693,624,922,000 Loans and Advances to Non-Bank
Financial Institutions:-
A. Agricultural Sector Rs. 372,822,000
(d) Others 1,219,828,856,000 B. Industrial Sector Rs. 8,817,271,000
C. Export Sector Rs
D. Housing Sector Rs. -
Allocation of Special
Drawing Rights 163,182,301,000 E. Others Rs 9,190,093,000
Bills Payable 828,037,000 A. Scheduled Banks Rs. 90,287,899,000
B. Non-Bank Financial Institutions Rs. 5,381,574,000
Revaluation Accounts 389,217,592,000 C. Government Securities Rs. 567,563,371,000
D. Others Rs. 61,710,162,000 724,943,006,000
Other Liabilities 656,379,746,000 Other Assets 1,129,466,927,000
Total Liabilities 3,360,425,486,000 Total Assets 3,360,425,486,000
* Includes Cash and Short Term Securities. Please also see the Statement of Affairs of the Issue Department
The figures relating to East Pakistan included in the overall figures pertain to the 3rd December, 1971. Dated the 17th day of May, 2018

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