'Cotton Mission 2025' to ensure 20 million bales of cotton production in Punjab

23 May, 2018

Punjab secretary agriculture Muhammad Mahmood claimed here on Tuesday that 'Cotton Mission 2025' will ensure 20 million bales of cotton production in Punjab. 'Cotton Mission' is a road map through which cotton industry will find a proper place for its growth. It's a paradigm shift in cotton sector that will ensure maximum profitability for cotton growers. All stakeholders are on board for this mission and working hard to achieve maximum cotton production in missionary zeal.
The secretary agriculture further said in a statement that the government has set 6.0 million bales of cotton production and agriculture department will ensure to complete this task. The government is providing approved varieties of cotton seed up to 50 per cent subsidized rate and also providing subsidy voucher @ Rs 700 per cotton bag to core area of cotton growers. More than Rs 14 million is being spent for provision of agricultural machinery to cotton growers. To save cotton crop against pink bollworm attack, Rs 96.2 million spent on PB Ropes that was installed on 50 districts of the Punjab on 50 acre blocks. For cotton high yield seed production Rs 350.889 million is being spent on "Commissioned Research Programme". For white fly control, the government of Punjab is spending Rs 39.612 million to provide genetic modified varieties of cotton crop. He also advised the farmers to complete cotton sowing till 31st May.
Mahmood also said that the government of Punjab is interested to join hand with whole supply chain of cotton industry through cotton mission 2025. The body of this cotton mission will be comprised government representatives, APTMA, PCGA, farmers and other stakeholders. He also disclosed that he has directed field formation of agriculture extension and pest warning wing to launch campaign against pink bollworm eradication because as early as we destroy first generation of pink bollworm, our crop will be saved accordingly.

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