106 beggars arrested in Peshawar

24 May, 2018

District administration Peshawar has shifted 106 professional beggars during a crackdown against beggary. Deputy Commissioner (DC) Peshawar, Dr Imran Hamid Sheikh has imposed ban on professional beggars under Section 144 of the CrPC and has established a special squad under the supervision of Assistant Commissioner Urban Territory (UT) Furqan Ashraf. Child Protection Officer, Waqar Ahmad, male and lady police and officials of the Social Welfare Departments are also included in the squad.
The squad during the first seven days of the month of Ramazan has nabbed 106 professional beggars from different areas of the district and shifted them to the welfare centres where they are imparted special training, briefed regarding the curse of the begging and later they are released on the surety that in future they will not involve begging.

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