Sabzwari terms new province's demand 'just & constitutional'

24 May, 2018

Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Pakistan' s Bahadurabad group on Wednesday condemned the language of Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah against those who are demanding a separate province in Sindh and termed the demand of new province 'just and constitutional'.
Coordination Committee of MQM Pakistan Bahadurabad at a press conference took strong exception to language of CM Sindh about a new province and said if the demands of South Punjab and Hazara provinces are just and fair, so could the demand of a new province in Sindh can be termed illegal.
"How can you curse the people who are seeking a new province in Sindh when your own party is vociferously asking for new provinces in other parts of the country", Faisal Sabzwari, central leader of the party along with Amir Khan and other members of the coordination committee remarked.
Sabzwari said demand for a new province is not an act of treason and demanded that this attitude of biasness should be stopped forthwith. He pointed out that some forces kept on raising the slogans of Sindudesh but Sindh CM never spoke against them.
He criticized the double standards of Sindh CM and PPP government, who turned a blind eye towards voices of separation within Sindh but cursed the people of Urban Sindh who sought empowerment.
He also talked about census figures and said these are being described final without auditing five percent of residential blocks. Faisal termed this act a pre-poll rigging and vowed to raise voices against this. He demanded that census figures should be made public to know the actual strength of people in different parts of the province.
MQM leader termed PPP anti-Sindh party, which remained silent over non-counting of 15 million people of the province in the national census and said this is not Sindh-Mohajir issue but an issue of rural and urban Sindh.
He vowed to fight democratically to stop PPP from pursuing anti-urban Sindh agenda and said his party doesn't want to vitiate the atmosphere in the province. He rejected the figures of national census viz-a-viz Urban Sindh and termed it a pre-poll rigging act.
Faisal also accused PPP provincial government of not developing its constituency in rural Sindh and said it couldn't develop a union council on modern lines what to talk about the whole of province.

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