Political leadership urged to formulate charter of economy

24 May, 2018

Chairman of Businessmen Panel (BMP), Mian Anjum Nisar has said that the political leadership of Pakistan must unite in building up the economy of the country. He said, "Today, the electricity provided to our people and industry is neither affordable nor easily available.
He has urged all main political parties of the country to formulate charter of economy so that our economic targets could be achieved. With the departure of colonial rule, many liberated nations recognized the importance of economic progress and consolidated their governance, entered the club of emerging market, he observed.
The emergence of China as a global leader in politics and economy in a short span of a few decades is great example for Pakistan, he maintained, adding that the Chinese managed a seamless interface between their socialist model of political governance of state with a free economy which proved to be best suited to their traditions and present-day demands.
He said the business community is nervous, as are the investors. The political leadership both in government and in opposition does not truly recognize the harm being caused to the nation's economy on account of the irresponsible conduct.
"Today, PIA is suffering losses and inefficient management for years, has now become a laughingstock at the expense of national pride," he lamented.
The chairman BMP said, "The economy of the state and welfare of its people is the joint responsibility of all the legislators who have been voted by the people into the parliament to represent the interest of all segments of society and to legislate and implement reforms and conduct themselves for the good of the people, as the Charter of Economy is the need of the day to build up our economy as we have seen in past big countries destroyed due to weak economy and this is the only way to retain democracy if we have strong economy."
Secretary General (Federal) BMP, Ahmad Jawad said that he repeatedly floating the idea of charter of economy at different forums. Given the challenges faced by the country and also the changes happening at the world for us especially the again birth of the FATF issue it is need of the hour that country's political parties having representation in Parliament sit together to agree on one point of separating politics from economic matters before general elections.
Though, it is possible to have an agreement amongst the parties over broad directional matters in order to ensure sustainable development.
However, most of the problems of our country can be taken care of if there is consensus on economic reforms, policies and continuity is not hindered by political developments and changes. "We have seen in the past that some of the most beneficial policies and actions initiated by one government were discarded by the next only because of personal malice and narrow-mindedness."
Jawad also said, "We all know what is wrong with us. All our economic institutions and budgets are reverse of Robin Hood - rob the poor and give to the rich. Our regulatory agencies are reverse Robin Hood - rob the poor and give to the rich."
In 2008-09, the PM Office swallowed Rs 600,000 a day every day of the year. Today, the PM Office costs Pakistani taxpayers Rs 2.5 million per day. In 2008-09, the cabinet division swallowed Rs 4 million per day. Today, the cabinet division costs Pakistani taxpayers Rs 15 million per day, he added.

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