Hesco's drive against defaulters

24 May, 2018

The Acting Chief Executive Officer Hyderabad Electric Supply Company Abdul Sattar Memon has issued strict directives of discontinuation of power connections to defaulters without any discrimination. The Hesco is the commercial organization and managing its expenses from the incomes received in shape of payment of the electricity bills therefore the employees should bound the consumers to pay their electricity bills on regular basis, he said and maintained that Hesco management would not allow anyone of stealing power or enhance the outstanding dues.
He also directed the concerned officers and employees of Hesco to check the load of power connections which granted to consumers and if the usage found above from the approved load then action should be initiated against the defaulting consumer in accordance with law.
Meanwhile, the control room of Hyderabad Electric Supply Company remained operational to register and address the complaints of the consumers and ensure uninterrupted power supply during "Aftaar", "Taraaveh" and "Sehri" hours of the month of Ramzan-ul-Mubarak.
The control room is being operated round the clock with deployment of senior officers on duty, he said and called upon the consumers to register their complaints if any at the control room so that prompt action could be initiated to address the issue.
Besides, the spokesman informed that Acting Chief Executive Officer HESCO Abdul Sattar Memon has issued directives to activate the complaint centres at all operational sub-divisions with presence of Sub-Divisional Officers and line staff during the timings of "Aftaar", "Taraaveh" and "Sehri" so that speedy action could be initiated on received complaints of any.

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