Partly Facetious: Those who are name sensitive

24 May, 2018

"Speaking of borrowing from Paul to pay off Peter..."
"Hey did I or did I not warn you not to use these Anglo Saxon names - Maulana Fazlur Rehman is extremely name-sensitive..."
"Aren't they all! Zardari sahib calls The Khan jaali (fake) Khan, Nawaz Sharif and company refer to him as Niazi..."
"I don't know about these others, but Maulana D is extremely critical of all nations and by all I mean all irrespective of the dominant religion its people practice."
"Maulana D?"
"I make such outlandish comment about one party leader who has been wooed by all our governments - be it Musharraf, or Benazir Bhutto or Zardari sahib or Nawaz Sharif and you want to know what I mean by Maulana D?"
"Well, the point is that if you define D as I think you may, then that would explain a lot."
"So why don't you tell me what I mean by D and I will tell you whether you are right or wrong."
"Hey stop, it's not like you and I are the Leader of the House and the Leader of the Opposition both not having the power to take any decision..."
"OK, OK, D stands for devious and God forbid I don't mean deceitful, I mean wily and, the more wily you are in our politics, the better you perform. But this wily man was refused the US and the UK visa, he was denied a transit visa in the UAE, his delegation was refused entry to Iran even though they had the visas and..."
"Scaredy cat! And I am referring to what you said the D stands for."
"Need I add, a lion is also a cat, as is a tiger, as is a cheetah, as is..."
"As is the domestic cat."
"Which has sharp claws and is independent minded unlike dogs. Anyway when I said borrow from Paul to give to Peter..."
"It's the other way round - you borrow from Peter and pay off Paul."
"So be it but I would suggest to the Khan to agree to Zaka Ashraf as the caretaker prime minister."
"He is partisan, he resigned as the member of Zardari sahib's central executive committee after his name was proposed."
"Right, but you know who will be very angry if Zaka Ashraf is made the caretaker PM? The Man Who Shall Remain Nameless and whose tenure as the chair of the Pakistan Cricket Board is coming to an end though I doubt he will go quietly..."
"He may."
"Indeed he may because wishes are horses in this country."

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