Kashmir, Palestine conflicts: Pakistan urges UNSC to solve global disputes for world peace

26 May, 2018

Pakistan urged the United Nations Security Council to solve international disputes such as Kashmir and Palestine conflicts for the sake of world peace. "Gone are the days when the impact of armed conflicts on civilians was limited to collateral damage," said Maleeha Lodhi, Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations.
According to her, targeted attacks, sexual violence, forced conscription and indiscriminate killings collectively paint an extremely bleak picture of the human costs of modern day armed conflict. "These crimes continue to be perpetrated in Palestine and Occupied Kashmir, two of the oldest disputes on the agenda of this Council," said the Pakistan envoy.
On May 6, Indian troops opened fire on hundreds of people who pelted them with stones as they carried out an operation against militants in Kashmir. Their firing killed five civilians and injured more than 50 people. Kashmiris have been fighting against Indian rule since the late 1980s in held Kashmir, which is the only Muslim majority state in mostly Hindu India.
New Delhi accused Pakistan of covertly supporting the long-running separatist insurgency. Pakistan denies involvement and calls for resolution of the conflict. The nuclear-armed South Asian rivals have fought two of their three wars over the divided Himalayan region.

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