PSDP 2017-18: Govt releases Rs 676.3 billion for uplift projects so far

27 May, 2018

The government has released Rs 676.3 billion (90.2 percent) including Rs 155.8 billion foreign aid for different development projects so far under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) 2017-18) against the total revised budgeted allocation of Rs 750 billion. According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform, the government has released Rs 171.23 billion (56.73 percent of total budgeted amount of federal ministries) for development projects of various federal ministries against the total budgeted allocation of Rs 301.83 billion.
The government has not released funds for development projects of Foreign Affairs Division, National Security Division, Special Provision for Completion of CPEC Project and Gas Infrastructure Development Cess.
The government has released Rs 254 billion including Rs 101.38 billion foreign aid for the National Highway Authority (NHA) against revised budgeted allocation of Rs 325.7 billon for the year 2017-18, whereas for WAPDA (power sector), an amount of Rs 40.6 billion including Rs 39.95 billion foreign aid has been released out of the total revised budgeted allocation of Rs 85 billion.
Railways Division received Rs 19.384 billion out of its total revised budgeted allocation of Rs 22 billion.
The government has released an amount of Rs 31.7 billion including Rs 523 million foreign aid for Water and Power Division (water sector) against the total revised budgeted allocation of Rs 35.7 billion for current fiscal year.
The government also released an amount of Rs 19.01 billion for various development projects of Higher Education Commission (HEC) out of total revised budgeted allocation of Rs 32.95 billion for ongoing financial year, while Rs 126.1 billion have been released for Atomic Energy Commission.
The government has also released Rs 2.66 billion to Capital Administration and Development Division, Rs 782.57 million to Climate Change Division, Rs 485 million to Commerce Division, Rs 8.663 billion to Communication Division (other than NHA), Rs 12.13 billion to Interior Division, Rs 286.53 million to Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority and Rs 2.1 billion to Planning, Development and Reform.
An amount of Rs 18.51 billion has been released for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Division against revised budgeted allocation from Rs 35.6 billion to Rs 32.95 billion. An amount of Rs 13.6 billion has been released for Finance Division out of its total revised budgeted allocations of Rs 15.7 billion.
The government has released Rs 57.2 billion for Special Federal Development Programme for temporarily displaced persons (TDPs) against Rs 90 billion budgeted allocation and Rs 13.73 billion for development projects of Prime Minister''s Youth and Hunarmand Program under current fiscal year 2017-18.
The entire amount of Rs 30 billion has been released for Prime Minister''s Global SDGs Achievement Program.
The government released Rs 1.77 billion to Port and Shipping Division, Rs 1.2 billion to Science and Technological Research Division, Rs 268.597 million to Defense Division, Rs 7.324 million to Housing and Works Division and Rs 1.79 billion to Defense and Production Division.
An amount of Rs 464.4 million has been released to Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division) out of its revised budgeted allocations of Rs 16.5 billion.
The government released Rs 22.75 billion including Rs 877.127 million foreign aid for development projects of Azad Jammu and Kashmir against the total budgeted allocation of Rs 25.84 billion for current fiscal year. The government also released Rs 15.4 billion for development projects of Gilgit-Baltistan against Rs 18.3 billion budgeted allocation, while Rs 25.88 billion have been released for the projects of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) against the total budgeted allocation of Rs 26.9 billion.

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