Baby 'Miracle' born on rescue ship as Italy arrivals surge

28 May, 2018

A baby boy named Miracle has been born on board a humanitarian ship - a bright spot as the tide of migrants risking sea crossings from Libya to Italy has increased as the weather has improved. There have been more than 1,800 migrants rescued by humanitarian ships, and Italy's navy and coastguard vessels over the past three days, and one body was recovered, an Italian coastguard official said.
Arrivals from Libya, a staging post for people smugglers, have plummeted 85 percent this year from last as Italy provided support to the Libyan coastguard and to municipalities along the coast to stop migrant boats.
But good weather or other factors seem to have reversed that trend, for now.
"It's really hard to know what's happening inside Libya, or why the Libyan coastguard has not been so active in these last few days," said Lauren King, a spokeswoman from the Aquarius, the ship baby Miracle was born aboard.
The Aquarius is a rescue ship run by SOS Mediterranee and Doctors without Borders (MSF), which brought ashore 70 migrants in Catania, Sicily, on Sunday. The Aquarius is setting off again later in the day for the waters off the coast of Libya.
"Given the weather conditions ... It's better we're out there and ready," she said.
On Saturday, the leader of the far-right League party, which appears poised to form a coalition government with the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, said that the surge in arrivals meant someone was trying to undermine the would-be administration.
"The usual powers that be are threatening us with the migrant boats," Matteo Salvini Tweeted. The League has promised to take a hard line on irregular immigration and deport hundreds of thousands of migrants if the government receives the president's endorsement and wins parliament's backing.

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