Renowned actor, director, comedian Moin Akhtar remebered

Updated 24 Dec, 2018

Moin Akhter was born in Karachi. His father, Muhammad Ibrahim Mehboob, who passed away few months after Akhtar, at the age of 92, was born in Murdadabad and settled in Karachi after partition.

Moin Akhtar started his acting career as stage actor at the age 16 years. Internationally acclaimed and one of the best comedian of the country has ever produced, Moin Akhtar was born on December 24 1950 in Karachi. Moin Akhtar’s love for cinema and television won him numerous recognitions nationally and internationally.

He won the hearts of the audiences and critical acclaim through his famous show called Loose Talk in which he impersonated as many as 400 different characters all of which were interviewed by notable poet and writer Anwar Maqsood.

The huge list of his everlasting contributions to the industry also included Rozi and Eid Train which were widely applauded. People still recall his legendary performance in Half Plate and a theatre stand-up comedy called ‘Bakra Qiston Per’.

Rozi was an adaptation of a Hollywood film called Tootsie starring skilled Dustin Hoffman. To layer a foreign cultural product with relatively conservative indigenous ingredients to have the audiences chew on it for a long time was what only brilliant minds like Moin Akhtar could do.

Besides stand-up comedy and acting, Moin Akhtar was a wonderful host and it came just as naturally to him as impersonating a person by remarkably picking up little nuances that usually go unnoticed by others.

In his hosting career, he held a distinguished position with hosting a show with King Hussain of Jordan besides several other political dignitaries of Pakistan including Benazir Bhutto, former president Ziaul Haq and former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

The versatile actor played different roles in more than 32 drama serials. Every single time when a certain section of people in the industry used to think that Moin Akhtar has seen his pinnacle stage in career and probably would not be able to push the limits further, he used to set the bar even higher with his next performance.

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2018

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