Disaster management: experts for global, regional cooperation

23 Jun, 2018

Experts at a conference have stressed the need for global and regional cooperation with more focus on better disaster management to deal with natural calamities.
They expressed these views during the three-day conference titled 'Disaster Information Management in Asia and the Pacific' at the 6th meeting of regional technical group of Disaster Management Confidence Building Measures (DM-CBM) of Heart of Asia (HoA), Istanbul Process, on the final day of the conference which concluded here on Friday.
The conference was organized by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Pakistan which was attended by the representatives of HoA and other countries. Pakistan and Kazakhstan were co-lead for DM-CBM with the responsibility to steer the process of implementation of the initiatives under their respective confidence building measures. The delegates of all the participating and supporting countries and organizations appreciated Pakistan leadership's measures in the region and showed their gratitude on developing confidence on disaster management.
The foreign delegates gave their full consent for the declaration announced as 'Islamabad Declaration' while India opposed to the matter. The objection, however, was not necessary as the Istanbul Conference of Afghanistan: Security and Cooperation in the Heart of Asia held in November, 2011 adopted a declaration called as the 'Istanbul Process Document.' The chairman NDMA, however, announced to address the concerns of Indian High Commission in this regard.
The meeting was attended by technical focal points / representatives of the participating countries of HoA including Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, China, India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkey. Representatives of supporting country Japan as well as supporting organizations including ADPC, UNESCAP and UNDP also attended the meeting.
Addressing the inaugural session Chairman NDMA Lieutenant General Omar Mahmood Hayat termed the hosting of 6th Regional Technical Group Meeting on DM- CMB as a great honor. He welcomed the participants and said this meeting will result in enhanced regional cooperation in disaster management sector.
Executive Director ADPC, Hans Guttman presented progress against HOA Regional Roadmap for DRR and highlighted the salient features of progress against each of the eight action areas. The participants of the meeting recognized and appreciated the steps taken so far on the progress and practical implementation of HOA DM-CBM roadmap. It was, however, stressed upon the participating countries, together with supporting countries and organizations to expedite and further strengthen efforts and practical actions for implementation of the roadmap.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Member Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Idrees Mahsud briefed media on aims, objective and outcomes of the 6th RTG meeting. The member NDMA underlined that such events provide synergy among the various countries and organizations at international and regional level and help strengthen cooperation for humanitarian efforts.
The chairman NDMA stated that disaster management is purely a humanitarian effort and, therefore, politics cannot come into play at such forums. He appreciated the positive contribution of all participating countries/organizations and hoped that this session will enhance regional cooperation among the member states.
In his presentation Iranian Director of Asia and Pacific Center for Development of Disaster Information Management (APDIM), Mostafa Mohaghegh said, "We have tons of information data around us or scattered which can be used in an effective manner when the time comes. There is a need for skills, policies, processes, structures, training etc, so that un-customized information could reach out to the people at risk," he said. Mohaghegh said that transforming information from collection of data and inputs into actionable knowledge can actually leave an impact on other disaster management efforts.

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