ECP issues 16-point code of conduct for observers, media

27 Jun, 2018

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Tuesday issued a 16-point code of conduct for international observers and media persons who would be covering July 25 general election, urging them to adhere to the laws and the Constitution of Pakistan. In its code of conduct, the ECP urged the international observers to respect the sovereignty of Pakistan as well as the fundamental rights and freedom of its people, adhere to the laws/Constitution of Pakistan and respect the authority of the ECP and election officials.
They were also urged to follow instructions issued from time to time by the ECP and state authorities, including security officials, and maintain a respectful attitude towards them. "Strict political impartiality shall be maintained by international observers at all times during the election process. They shall not exhibit any bias or preference with regard to national authorities, political parties and candidates as well as any issue related to the process of election," it added.
"Observers shall not conduct or participate in any activity that may generate an impression of favoring or opposing any political party or a candidate," it stated, adding that the observer will have right to ask any question and to clear any query but they will not obstruct directly or indirectly in any pre-election, election and post-election process.
The foreign observers were also asked to display their official identification badges, issued by the ECP at all times and will present it to electoral officials and other national authorities when requested.
"The observers shall ensure that all their observations are impartial, objective and depict the highest standards of accuracy. The individual observer shall not make any personal comments about his/her observation or conclusion about the election process to the media," it added.
The ECP further stated that observation organizations or groups will ensure that only their authorized persons give comments about the election process and they may share their findings, methodology and recommendations with the ECP.
"The observers shall maintain proper personal behaviour and respect others including exhibiting sensitivity for culture and customs of the country and observe the highest level of professional conduct at all times," it added.
It further stated that all organizations requesting accreditation from the ECP be responsible for education and training of their individual observers in the electoral laws and procedures, including this code.
"The international observers intending to visit Pakistan shall submit their visa applications well in time, according to the rules laid down by the relevant authorities of the government of Pakistan. No observer shall stay in Pakistan beyond the duration of granted visa," they were further asked.
The international observers were further asked to comply with the advisories that may be issued by the government or security agencies to ensure their safety during their stay in the country.
In case of violation of the code of conduct, the ECP reserves the right to withdraw observer's accreditation of an individual observer or an observer's mission, it stated, adding the authority to determine the violation also rests with the ECP.
The ECP also made it clear that international election observers would chose areas for election observation in strict consultation with the ECP, adding they would make the area selection in a balanced manner in order to avoid excessive concentrations in any particular constituency or area. Entry into the areas closed due to security and/or administrative reasons would not be permitted, it further stated.

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