PAD urges cotton growers to save crop from rainwater

30 Jun, 2018

The Punjab Agriculture Department (PAD) has urged the cotton growers to take immediate steps for saving their crop from rain water. A spokesman of the department said here on Friday that frequent rains are not favorable for cotton crop. Due to rain water, weeds grow more frequent and it also becomes very difficult to manage insects & pests as management techniques required high temperature. If rain water stands in the field for 24 hours then cotton plant may starts wilting and its further growth has been seized. Rain water stands for more than 48 hours result in death/ necrosis of cotton plants.
Spokesman advised farmers to shift excess rainy water to neighboring fields. In case of Sugarcane crop in vicinity, water can be flood in to it. Spokesman further said if it is difficult to evacuate water in the field then a vertical cut can be made in the field so that excess water can be poured. Due to excess water, roots of the plant may stop their growth so farmers should keep an eye on colour of the crop; it becomes yellowish then spray after rain 2% Urea on plants to start their growth again. Due to humidity after rain, attack of insects & pests increases so farmers are advised to practice pest scouting twice a week and if the attack of sucking insects is higher than economic threshold level (ETL) then spray pesticide after in consultation with Extension or Pest Warning staff. After rain, weeds start their growth more potentially. So, removal of weeds is necessary to avoid any loss. With the help of Kasula removal of weeds may ensure. If crop has gained growth, then apply shield first and spray weedicide after consultation with Extension workers to check their growth. Weeds serve as debris of insects & pests so their eradication is necessary to save cotton crop.
Due to rain water, cotton plant may start excessive and stunted growth. So, it is necessary to check etiolation of cotton crop. Under such condition, farmers are advised to resort with Extension field workers to mitigate these effects.

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