National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Friday arrested the Procurement Officer of Abdul Wali Khan University (AWKU), Pir Asfandyar for alleged involvement in embezzlement of university funds worth millions of rupees allocated for purchase of IT equipment, furniture, lab chemicals and equipment.
The accused persons in connivance with Dr Ihsan Ali, Vice Chancellor AWKUM illegally purchased sub-standard IT & lab equipment, chemicals and furniture from their already selected blue-eyed contractors in criminal violation of government procurement laws.
The accused Pir Asfandyar being Procurement Officer AWKUM with other accused persons misused his authority and illegally issued supply orders for the purchase of furniture on highly exorbitant rates, to the favourite bidder on already expired tender.
Further, he manoeuvred the procurement process for purchase of lab chemicals and IT & lab equipment and illegally issued supply orders on highly exorbitant rates to his crony contractors. Accused Shafiq Ullah, on other hand, illegally processed bills of millions of rupees for these procurements. Thus the accused persons jointly and severely with other accused persons caused huge loss to public exchequer.
A spokesman of NAB KP has said that the national anti-graft is actively pursuing the investigation, more arrest on card. The accused persons will be produced before the Accountability Court for obtaining their physical remand to proceed further as per law.