Imran advised not to compromise on principles

03 Aug, 2018

Pasban-e-Pakistan president Altaf Shakoor has advised PTI chairman Imran Khan not to compromise on principles, and rejects all sorts of blackmail. Talking to various delegates who met him, Shakoor suggested that Imran Khan needs to be well-aware of the tricks of electables so that the whole nation may support him.
"Hearts and minds of people of Karachi and Lahore can only be won by giving mega city's constitutional status to these mega cities," he said, adding that Pasban would continue to demand said status. Altaf Shakoor lamented that use of carrot and stick policy is at its peak, which shows the real face of our democracy. He said politicians are spending billions of rupees to win loyalties of electables while those who spent billions on their election campaigns are now preparing to earn trillions from their investments in elections. He said nation witnesses intense horse-trading after the general elections.
Pasban-e-Pakistan president said the winning party has to seek independent legislators' votes to form its government. He said that electoral and judicial reforms are needed to put the nation and country on the path of progress and prosperity.
"The judicial system seems to be very slow in holding corruption mafia accountable for plundering the country with both hands," he said, emphasizing that this system could never be changed without revolutionary reforms in the electoral system with emphasis on the proportionate electorate to send real representatives of people to assemblies. Shakoor said the slogans of the change would fizzle out if the courts do not decide cases on pure merit and dispense justice to the poor people of Pakistan.

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