July-June gold import soars to $20.713 million

03 Aug, 2018

Country's gold import soared to $20.713 million in July-June 2017-18, up by 24.28 percent, official figures say. Increase in the gold import now stands at $4.046 million in July-June 2017-18 from $16.667 million in July-June 2016-17, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics indicates.
In term of volume, the country's import of gold went up by 16 percent or 69 kilograms to 509 kilograms in July-June 2017-18 from 440 kilograms in July-June 2016-17. In June 2018, gold import shot up to $1.404 million from $752,000 in June 2017, up by 87 percent or $ million $652,000. The yellow metal's import quantity also grew to 34 kilograms in June 2018 from 19 kilograms in June 2017, up by 79 percent or 15 kilograms.

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