Weapons exports to India: Pakistan concerned over US decision to waive licensing requirement

03 Aug, 2018

Pakistan expressed serious concerns over the US decision to waive licensing requirement for high-technology weapons exports to India, saying it would further erode the longstanding non-proliferation norms.
Responding to media queries about the recent US decision to waive individual licensing requirements for export of high-technology weapons to India, Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr Mohammad Faisal described it as a disturbing continuation of policies of discrimination and exceptionalism, further eroding the longstanding non-proliferation norms.
He underscored the serious implications on strategic stability arising from the cumulative effect of several civilian nuclear cooperation agreements between India and members of export control regimes, the latest of which is the recent licensing waiver.
"Pakistan believes all states have the right to acquire and use advanced and dual use technologies for socioeconomic development under appropriate safeguards and without discrimination," he said.
"Pakistan urges faithful adherence by all to the letter and spirit of relevant international treaties and export control regimes," he said, adding that Pakistan also calls on all states to carefully review their strategic export control policies that directly impinge on national security of Pakistan and undercut stated goals of preserving strategic stability in the region.
"Disavowal of established legal and normative frameworks regulating strategic goods and technologies only undermines the global rules-based order," he asserted.

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