Training workshop on ISO certification held at SU

03 Aug, 2018

A training workshop about ISO 9001:2015 Certification was organised at the Senate Hall of Vice-Chancellor's Secretariat, University of Sindh, here on Thursday. Lecturers from all teaching and research departments/institutes of the varsity attended the worshop.
On this occasion, Vice Chancellor of University of Sindh Dr Burfat highlighted the importance of quality education for success in this highly competitive and technological age.
"Without quality education, one cannot go parallel with rapidly developing world. It is the quality education which can ensure our bright future," the VC opined.
Dr Ameer Ali Abro, In-charge ISO Cell and Consultant to the VC on Higher Education, gave a presentation highlighting the recent improvements at the varsity that include progress towards establishment of IT Services Centre, construction of main arteries, 100 room hostel for boys and girls separately, launch of botanical garden, renovation in water supply scheme, purchase of new fleet of buses, 25 room hostel for female teachers, setting up of video conference hall and other infrastructural uplift schemes.
Dr Abro also outlined the salient features of ISO 9001:2015 Certification e.g. internal audit, monitoring system, online attendance format and other related standard operational procedures. The presentation encompassed the whole pattern of managing teaching and administrative departments/ institutes with a special focus on infrastructural development, student attendance mechanism and enhancement of quality of teaching learning.
Extending his gratitude to Teaching and Sectional Heads, Dr Abro lauded the leadership of Vice-Chancellor in pursuit of the ISO Certification in a short span of time. Apart from the leading role of Dr Burfat in ISO Certification, his contributions in overall infrastructural, academic, services and managerial developments of the Institution, which were pre-requisites for ISO Certification, are praiseworthy.
Adding further on the occasion, Dr Abro briefed about the important development projects approved by Higher Education Commission and Government of Sindh. The participants made multiple relevant queries and also forwarded their suggestions for betterment of quality paradigms.

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