Health department's advisory on Naegleria Fowleri

03 Aug, 2018

Sindh Government's Health Department has issued information for general public awareness that Naegleria Fowleri, (brain-eating amoeba) lives naturally in warm fresh waterways including lakes, rivers, ponds, hot springs, soil and poorly maintained swimming pools that are also un-chlorinated.
It infects people by entering the body through the nose during swimming or diving in warm fresh water places and travels to the brain where it destroys the brain tissues. The infection usually occurs during the months of summer when the water temperature is high. This infection is rapidly progressing diseases and 99% fatal, but 100% preventable. The mainstay of treatment is "prevention" which can be achieved through chlorination of water used for 'ablution' or 'nasal rinsing' or always use distilled or previously boiled and cooled water. The visiting public shall ensure that water in the swimming pools is adequately chlorinated and during swimming keep head above and wear a nose clip or swim mask. People are advised that in case any person develops signs/symptoms he may rush to the nearest health care service provider at the earliest. The symptoms are fever, nausea, vomiting, severe frontal headache, stiff neck, seizures, altered mental status and eventual coma, the announcement concluded.

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