UEP group chief vows to enforce PEC's rules

03 Aug, 2018

A local Engineering firm organised a reception in the honour of the United Engineers Pakistan (UEP), a group of Engineers contesting the annual elections at the platform of Pakistan Engineering Council for the period of 2018-21. A large number of Engineers from civil, electrical, mechanical, electronics, metallurgy and chemical sectors attended the reception.
Speaking on the occasion, Chairman of the Group Ashfaq Hussain Shah said his group is a mix of all the disciplines of Engineering. He said his mission would be true implementation of the rules and by-laws of PEC. "We would revive the glory of the profession of Engineering in Pakistan," he added.
He pointed out that his mission is to create jobs for young Engineers through setting up Engineering Development Fund in the PEC; he stressed and added that he would beg, borrow or steel to make this Fund functional. According to him, young Engineers are forced to compromise with miserable situations on their jobs.
He said all the young Engineers would be taken as ad-hoc members once his group wins the elections. He lamented that the total number of registered Engineers with PEC has reduced to 22,000 from 78,000. In the end, Azhar Ali Sh, Chief Executive Officer of the local firm thanked all the guests for attending the reception on his request. He expressed the hope that UEP, under the leadership of Ashfaq Hussain Shah, would win and work for the welfare of the Engineering community.-PR

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