'FIA receives 4,000 complaints of cyber crimes from women'

03 Aug, 2018

The cyber crime circle of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Lahore has so far received 4,000 complaints by women regarding cyber harassment but there are only 10 officials to deal with these cases, said FIA Assistant Director Wasif Jawad.
He said this while speaking to a consultative meeting titled "consultation on cyber crimes and laws in Pakistan" in which representatives of the Punjab Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW), FIA, police, digital rights foundations, Shirkat Gah, Social Welfare, women development department and civil society members participated.
The consultation was opened with an overview of the PCSW and its role in the resolution of cyber complaints on a priority basis in Punjab. "Since January 2018, approximately 4,000 complaints related to cyber crime have been registered in the FIA and there are only 10 officials working on them for redressal," Wasif said.
PCSW Chairperson Fauzia Viqar said the PCSW entered into collaboration with the FIA to support early redressal of cyber harassment complaints. "We are confident that this partnership will play a major role in combating cyber harassment in Punjab," Fauzia remarked.
During a span of a month, she said, they received 1181 complaints on the PCSW Helpline 1043. Of them, 1116 complaints have been addressed while 65 were referred to the FIA for further legal actions, she added. The stakeholders also shared recommendations for further improvements in cybercrime-related issues.
They also emphasised the need for signing the mutual legal assistance treaty between concerned countries by Pakistan through the interior ministry.

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