Ethical Trading Initiative agency team visits Sialkot

05 Aug, 2018

A delegation of ETI, a UK based group comprising Ms. Cindy Berman, Head of Modern Slavery Strategy and Ben Rutledge Senior Advisor on UNGP on Business and Human Rights along with members of PILER visited Sialkot and held meetings with Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Surgical Manufacturers Association of Pakistan, officials of provincial governments, private businessmen in their bid to understand the surgical sector, its socio-economic dimension, value chain.
The delegation is currently in Pakistan and holding meetings with the government departments, civil society, chambers and trade association, businesses. Ministry of Commerce is coordinating the visit.
The delegation also met IMAC and Baidarie civil society NGO, who are working for achieving the highest standard of social compliance issues in the region. ETI is planning to initiate a study on the surgical sector of Pakistan.
Qamar Zaman Director General TDAP Sialkot and his team committed to working hand in hand with industry, ETI and other such agencies to achieve highest standards of social compliance in the region. Director General also organized a dinner in honor of delegation, which was attended by the office bearers of all the trade associations in Sialkot, business community and representatives of the relevant provincial departments.

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