Importance of science education at secondary schools' level highlighted

06 Aug, 2018

Speakers including female teachers, science educationists and civil society leaders lay importance on Science education for secondary schools. They were speaking at a closing ceremony of two days workshop on "Inquiry Based Science Education" attended by 18 female science teachers from eighth government girls' high schools of Tando Muhammad Khan.
The event was organized by Sindh Community Foundation in collaboration with Community Development Programme of Planning and Development Department Government of Sindh. The training was facilitated by Khalid Soomro Assistant Director Science Carvan Sindh Unit of Pakistan Science Foundation at Tando Jam. The training workshop covered topics of inquiry based science education, how to conduct the students assessment with different approaches.
Speaking at the closing ceremony, SCF head Javed Hussain said that status of science education is not much satisfactory. He said that it is very alarming to read that Sindh and Fata lag behind rest of the country as far as science education is concerned, revealed a report released by Alif Ailan on Powering Pakistan for the 21st century: He said besides we stepped in first century but still a large number of secondary schools are lacking from the modern science laboratories, teachers are using conventional and outdated teaching methods so science learning outcome of the students in rural areas of Sindh is very poor and this situation was worst in girls secondary schools.
He shared that according to a survey of SCF from 11 secondary schools only two had science laboratory but old equipment and non conducive learning environment. He said SCF is addressing the issues of science education through establishment of three modern solar based digital science laboratories in three schools including Government Girls High School Campus Shaikh Bhirkio, Government Girls High School Campus Rajo Nizamani, Government Girls High School Campus TM Khan City.
The three labs are being utilized and benefited more than 400 girl students from ninth and tenth classes. Khalid Soomro from Pakistan Science Foundation was of the view that teachers should come forward with new methods of teaching applying inquiry based approach to create a generation with great talent of science.
He emphasized of the role of the teachers that teachers play a vital role in shaping society with new learning and trends so science teachers should must encourage students to take part in experiments and science-related activities.

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