Ivory Coast's former first lady 'to be freed Wednesday'

08 Aug, 2018

Ivory Coast's former first lady, Simone Gbagbo, who is serving a 20-year jail term, will be freed on Wednesday after President Alassan Ouattara granted her an amnesty, her lawyer said on Tuesday.
The wife of former president Laurent Gbagbo has spent seven years behind bars for her role in a wave of political violence that claimed several thousand lives in 2010-11. On the eve of independence day, Ouattara had on Monday announced an amnesty for Simone Gbagbo, 69, and around 800 others in the name of national reconciliation.
Her attorney, Rodrigue Dadje, told AFP she would be "released tomorrow, after the judicial formalities have been completed." She was "delighted to learn the news of her release," Dadje said. Simone Gbagbo, who was first detained without trial after her arrest in 2011, was convicted for "endangering state security" and sentenced in 2015.
She had been implicated in the 2011 shelling of a market in an Abidjan district that supported Ouattara and for belonging to a "crisis cell" that allegedly coordinated attacks by the armed forces and militias in support of her husband. Laurent Gbagbo has been in detention at the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague for seven years. He has been on trial since 2016 for alleged crimes against humanity.
In February 2012, the ICC also issued a warrant for Simone Gbagbo's arrest. But in 2016, Ouattara said he would "no longer send" Ivorian nationals to the court, as the country now had a "functioning justice system." About 3,000 people died in the turmoil that erupted in Abidjan - once one of Africa's most cosmopolitan cities - after presidential elections in November 2010 when Laurent Gbagbo refused to accept defeat to Ouattara, his bitter rival, after a decade in power.
The conflict left a legacy of political friction that endures today. The lack of national reconciliation has been seen by many observers as the biggest mark against Ouattara's record. The Gbagbos remain well-liked within the Ivorian Popular Front, the party they co-founded in the 1980s which has since split into two factions. "This is a big step towards reconciliation.

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