The country's trade deficit has widened by $3.192 billion for the month of July 2018, up by 0.31 percent over the same month a year before, according to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). Monthly trade data of PBS for the month of July 2018 noted that Pakistan exported $1.646 billion goods in July 2018 and imported $4.838 billion commodities. However, it remained unclear to ascertain the components of imports on basis on commodities, as commodity-wise data will be released after August 23.
Pakistan exports stood at $1.627 billion in July 2018 and imports $4.809 billion, which led to a trade deficit of $3.182 billion for the same month a year before. An increase of 1.17 percent was noted in exports in July 2018 over July 2017 while 0.60 percent surge in imports for the same period was witnessed, according to the PBS data.
However, there was a decline of 12.77 percent in exports in July 2018 over previous month of June as exports contracted to $1.646 billion in July 2018 from $1.887 billion while imports decreased by 15.03 percent as total imports reduced from $5.694 billion in June 2018 to $4.838 billion in July 2018.
The increase in exports and reduction in imports led to decline in trade deficit by 16.15 percent in July 2018 over June 2018. Trade deficit recorded at $3.807 billion in June 2018 was brought down to $3.192 billion in July 2018.