Turkey will emerge stronger from lira crisis: finance minister tells investors

17 Aug, 2018

Finance Minister Berat Albayrak assured international investors on Thursday that Turkey would emerge stronger from its currency crisis, insisting its banks were healthy and signalling it could ride out a dispute with the United States. In a conference call with thousands of investors and economists, Albayrak - who is President Tayyip Erdogan''s son-in-law - said Turkey fully understood and recognised all its domestic challenges but was dealing with what he described as a market anomaly.
With Ankara locked in a complex rift with Washington, he also played down a decision by President Donald Trump to double tariffs on imports of Turkish metals. Washington later said it was ready to impose further economic sanctions on Turkey.
Many countries had been the target of similar US trade measures, Albayrak said, and Turkey would navigate this period with other parties such as Germany, Russia and China.
Turkey, he said, has no plans to seek help from the International Monetary Fund or impose capital controls to stop money flowing abroad in response to the recent collapse of its lira currency.
Before he spoke, the lira strengthened more than 3 percent, despite signs that the dispute with the United States is as wide as ever. The lira held steady during Albayrak''s conference call but later weakened when Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the United States was prepared to levy more sanctions on Turkey if detained American pastor Andrew Brunson was not freed.
The Turkish currency was trading at 5.85 at 1740 GMT, more than 1 percent stronger on the day. Turkey''s sovereign dollar bonds extended their gains.
The lira hit a record low of 7.24 to the dollar earlier this week, down 40 percent this year, as investors fretted over Erdogan''s influence over monetary policy and the row with the United States.
Facing Turkey''s gravest currency crisis since 2001 in his first month in the job, Albayrak has the daunting task of persuading investors that the economy is not hostage to political interference.
Albayrak, a 40-year-old former company executive with a doctorate in finance, said Turkey would not hesitate to provide support to the banking sector. The banks were capable of managing the volatility, and there had been no major flow of cash out of deposits lately, he added.
Economists gave Albayrak''s comments a qualified welcome, and praised his ambition to get inflation down into single figures next year from above 15 percent now. But his father-in-law''s opposition to higher interest rates may complicate that quest.
"He said all the right things, but it''s one thing saying them and another thing doing them," said Sailesh Lad at AXA Investment Managers. "He said capital controls weren''t part of the agenda, and never will be. I think a lot of the market liked hearing that."
The lira gained some support from the announcement late on Wednesday of a Qatari pledge to invest $15 billion in Turkey. Trump has used trade tariffs in a series of disputes ranging from with Turkey and China to the European Union.

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