UAE envoy calls on NA speaker

17 Aug, 2018

Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser has said that Pakistan attaches high value to its exceptional relations with UAE and wishes to further take them to new heights. Qaiser said this while talking to Hamad Obaid Ibrahim Salem Al-Zaabi, Ambassador of United Arab Emirate (UAE) here at the Parliament House on Thursday.
He further said that Pakistan is thankful to the Government of UAE for its support in time of need. He said that UAE and Pakistan were tied in eternal bonds of religion, culture and history; therefore, steps may be taken for further solidifying the existing brotherly relations between two countries. He stressed the need to enhance interaction between parliamentarians and business communities of both the countries.
He said that Pak-UAE Parliamentary Friendship Group would be shortly established in the National Assembly which needs to be reciprocated in UAE Federal Council, said a press release issued here. The UAE ambassador congratulated Qaiser on his election as the speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan. Appreciating the sentiments, the ambassador said that his country attaches immense importance to its relations with Pakistan and would keep on extending its support in time of need.-PR

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