Alleged misbehaviour with Senator: Senate body summons FC IG for explanation

17 Aug, 2018

Senate Standing Committee on Rules, Procedures and Privileges has asked the inspector general of Frontier Corps (FC) to appear before the committee and explain why some FC personnel misbehaved with Senator Usman Khan Kakar. The committee presided over by Senator Azam Khan Mashhadi met here on Thursday to take up the privilege motion moved by Senator Kakar.
The chairman of the committee stated that FC official (Hawldar) who is being alleged for misbehaving with the senator will also appear before the committee to explain his position. Senator Usman Kakar informed the committee that Frontier Crops official (Hawaldar) misbehaved with him on an FC check post and when he tried to contact the inspector general FC, he did not attend his phone call.
The FC Headquarters Balochistan, however, denied of misbehaving with the senator and alleged that the driver of the senator, in fact, misbehaved with the FC personnel deputed at the check post. In reply to a letter of Interior Ministry, dated July 13, 2018, on privilege motion forwarded by Senator Usman Khan Kakar, the FC responded that the incident occurred in a remote area near Afghan border where numerous unfrequented routes are leading from Afghanistan to Pakistan.
The FC further explained that flow of traffic is very low in the area and is mostly confined to daylight hours while movement at night is negligible. Thus, the road is blocked to control terrorists' movement and troops take up positions in the vicinity. In case of any movement, barrier is removed/opened by troops.
On the night of July 4-5, 2018 at 2315 hours, a vehicle moving from Qamar Din Karez stopped at Sharan Jogazai check post. Due to late hours, check post had been closed and troops had taken position on surrounding heights for security of the area. The vehicle started blowing horns when it reached the chained part of the road.
The security officials immediately moved from their positions and reached the vehicle, asking for identity/documents of the vehicle. Driver of the vehicle, Allah Noor Kakar misbehaved with the guard commander and complained about the chain barrier without presence of sentry. The FC in the letter claimed that the driver was politely informed but Allah Noor Kakar remained hostile and even abusive at times. Frontier Corps guard commander did not get into any arguments and allowed the vehicle to cross.
During the entire incident, Allah Noor Kakar conversed with guard commander/duty sentry without making any mention of presence of Senator Usman Khan Kakar amongst other passengers sitting in vehicle. The vehicle was checked in the stipulated time and no extra time was spent. There was no prior intimation about movement of the vehicle on remote/ unfrequented route in late hours.
Recommendations of the Frontier Crops Balochistan included that in view of prevalent threat environment, all public office holders/officers must be asked to ensure prior coordination in border areas for late night movement. At the same time, all officers/ public office holders must introduce themselves for their facilitation. As locals are in knowledge of the practice and carryout prior coordination for their ease and facilitation at check posts, no such issues normally arise.

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