Life; a bitter reality and an even bitter lie! Each one of us goes through the exact same phase. You may be a one in 4 trillion chances of life but you are exactly like those trillions. We are making a fool of ourselves daily. Some wear a mask of richness, others of a beggar - but no matter what you do or what you say or what you make others believe of you, you were born and you will die. These are the two prime objectives of our very existence. That is it.
Pick any piece from history. From the most once feared and ferocious rulerto the many who went unknown, they all were once alive and now, today, they are no more.
The only thing that can give us a bit of morality are the sleek wooden sheets which are read over and over again. Some analyzed correctly, others mocked and some distorted. Even the ink with which your name is written has no value at all. The point is all our lives we live this grand dimension in time, we struggle, we marry, we love, we hate, we envy, we bear children, we teach, we learn, we preach, we kill, we cook...... we do so much! Yet in those tiny frames of time in between, we continue to think; my life is meaningless, I have no purpose. Most suicide on the mere thought that they just cannot seem to comprehend their very existence in the grand scheme of events.
God is the only reality! No, I am not a religion. No, I am not trying to go pope on you.
But think! Where are you going to go from here? Where to? To whom? Do you think once your ashes have been burned or your body has been buried 7 feet under, there is nothing at the end of the tunnel? There is. Good or bad. Temporary or long lasting. It doesn't matter. What matters is that there is.
Despite being from any religion, I think not a single man on earth would want to admit that he perishes! If we could or would've in the past, death would not still have been this painful. Our brains are tuned in a way that each man is living in this gigantic ball of ego where once told to think about his soul, his inside voice or his death; the brain freezes for a moment.
There are only a very few things in life that technically should hold enough importance for us to remember and reflect upon. Things like breathing, relaxing, praying, praising and loving. That is it!
I read somewhere that "everything that is today is nothing as it will one day be no more". Such a simple but truthful statement. All our lives we make one thing or the other so important for ourselves and then spend the remaining days, years, lifetime chasing it. And in the process we sometimes go totally blind in our pursuit. Most of us go astray. In fact majority of us go astray. We lose track. We stop believing in the Higher power and start considering ourselves gods. Those amongst us, who turn out to be lucky, are sure that they are some very special creatures of the Real God.
Reading our own religion is so important at times. All my life I have been pondering over the fact that my sadness is some kind of curse or sazaa from Allah. Little did I know before I read that sadness is special kind of test, rewards of which are much higher. In this lifetime or later on; don't know. The more suffering one goes through the more rewards are gathered.
So that made me thinking that if one is longing to die but instead is living longer; but a bitterly life, it means that God is not yet ready to take him to the afterlife. God is still evaluating the goods and bad and maybe giving that one more minute of life to make that one last good deed enough to step into the better life of hereafter.
The very essence of breathing is envied by those buried deep beneath. The only reason is that they now understand what they never could when they were alive. So how does one motivate oneself? Answer is to stop exerting unnecessary emotions on anything that is part of nature! What I mean here is that a lion can never be a dove no matter how fragile or weak he may be. Even if a lion has to die, it will die as a lion. Similarly, man cannot chooselife or death, he can never alter time, he can never change dimensions, he cannot touch the sun, he cannot decide if it is or it is not the time to go!
Life is not something to be loved but the irony is, it is not that worthless to not be loved. Everything is as wrong as it can be but then this is the fate that has been written. And it cannot be changed. It cannot be altered. It cannot be undone.
What can be done is to go with the flow. To try new things all the time.Irrespective of age. Irrespective of what stage a man is at. If you haven't travelled enough, travel! If you haven't seen a Lollywood movie, do! If you haven't read a book on your own religion, do! If you haven't ever spoken to Allah, do! Try what you have never done before.
Another important thing is to pamper self. I don't understand why old people do not buy new clothes. They keep saying how long can we use it, we might die tomorrow. Well, gentlemen, your chances of not being able to wear that new piece is as equivalent to a young person's chance of not being able to wear it. It is not just the natural death which happens, there are many accidents just ready to happen. Things are constantly changing if we look around. We stop taking interest. Something is happening all the time. Some around us, and some anywhere in the world. The simple form of life changing right before our eyes is maybe that outdoor plant right in front of your main gate or that little sparrow that visits your lawn while you are asleep. Have you ever thought if it had a baby recently?
The best thing about animals is that they move on. The poor souls have no other choice. Or maybe they don't hold onto things like humans do. I don't believe that they have short memory. Every living being cannot forget an accident or a loss or their child. They mourn and wait as much as is in their hands, but then, they move on. A herd never stops for a weak infant. A flock of birds doesn't stop mid-flight if one falls from thirst or gets hit by a plane. A bird does not stop bearing children because their last one did not survive. They keep themselves going with the flow.
They keep themselves close to nature. Maybe that is why they are still as naturally beautiful. They don't worry over how big their nest should be. In fact they don't even care. They only build one when they need to protect their new born. They do not store food. In fact they don't have it in them to make storage to store food, under normal circumstances except summers. Some beasts temporarily keep their prey safe on some tree or under a bridge, but then it rots and they are fine with it. They move on to hunt or find a fresh one.
The point is do not think life is over until it actually is. We ruin our life by raising our bars too high. If we kept to the ground, we would never get bored.
A recent study shows that the suicide rate is the highest in developed countries! Makes one wonder, how come? They literally have everything. A stable economy, a controlled crime rate, beautiful places to visit, clean and nice environments, lots of sports activities, government support, choice of lifestyles, education, awareness, technology... everything! Then why? What makes them take their own life after having it all? And most of the suicides are done at a younger age. Is it just because there is increased competition? No. Is it just because the life has become too fast? No. Is it because they have it all and do not know what more to do or maybe they feel out of place or maybe what they have is not what they wanted? Yes. All these.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Human nature is to want what they cannot have, irrespective of how beautiful and useful is what they already have.
If we think about it in actuality, this challenges each and every struggle man has done to date. Everything is challenged because the man never stopped and thought about the long-term consequences of its invention, invasion, intrusion, laws, system, technology, landing on the moon, nuclear weapons, culture, networking, infrastructure, hence everything falls in the ambit here.
The only thing each generation did was done only to keep themselves busy and to make themselves proud of their tiny brain cells. That is it. We never needed salt and sugar to cook our meals. It added taste but the basic necessity remained "hunger". We never wanted fizzy drinks, oozing cakes, chilled ice creams and tangy snacks to live. What water does to our thirst is still the most important thing no matter how many bubbles one pours down their throat. Water is water. We needd water to quench our thirst. At the end, all I would say is "what will there be when there will be no breath as well".