The Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS) has achieved Rs 14 billion savings till second months of first quarter of current fiscal year, from July 1 to August 15, 2018-19. The CDNS has set Rs 210 billion net target for fiscal year (2018-19), senior official of CDNS told APP here on Sunday.
Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS) have notified for enhancing profit rates for various saving certificates from July 1, 2018 to benefit its investors especially the widow and pensioners. "The enhancement in previous profit rates is made in the backdrop of current market scenario and in accordance with the government's policy to provide market based competitive rate of return to the investors of National Savings", he said.
He said as per notification issued by the federal government, the rates for Defence Savings Certificate, Special Saving Certificate and Account, Regular Income Certificate and Savings Accounts had been revised upward at an average of 8.30 percent, 7.10 percent, 8.04 percent and 5.00 percent respectively.
The official said the profit rate of return for specialized savings schemes like Bahbood Savings certificates and Pensioners' Benefit Account had also been revised upward respectively at 10.20 percent to provide safety net to specialized segments of the society.