Former Punjab chief minister Shahbaz Sharif on Monday appeared before the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) in a probe pertaining to Ashiana-e-Iqbal Housing scheme, Punjab Power Development Company (PPDC) and corruption in the Punjab Saaf Pani Company case. Shahbaz remained at the NAB regional office for some time and responded to the queries raised by the NAB officials.
Shahbaz had been summoned in the PPDC case over charges of illegal appointments. He had also been summoned in the Ashiana-e-Iqbal Housing Scheme case following revelations made by former principal secretary Fawad Hassan Fawad, sources said. Fawad Hassan Fawad is accused of misusing his authority by awarding contracts illegally in the housing scheme, when he was the secretary implementation to former Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz in 2013.
NAB is also investigating alleged corruption in Punjab Saaf Pani Company which was established by the Punjab government to conceive, plan, design, execute and manage projects for provision of safe drinking water, in terms of both access and quality, to the communities living in un-served and underserved areas i.e. rural and peri-urban areas of the province. Besides Shahbaz, other office holders of the previous Punjab government have also been accused of corrupt practices in the above mentioned companies. The sources claimed that Shahbaz may again be summoned by the NAB.