Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan Thursday said his government will take solid measures for uplift of tourism sector in picturesque Swat district as per the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan. Talking to the media at his residence in Swat district, the chief minister said Prime Minister Imran Khan had highlighted importance of tourism in his first historic address to the nation and he would take solid measures for promotion and uplift of tourism sector in Swat district as per his vision.
He said tourism's potential of KP including Swat district would be fully tapped. The Chief Minister said simplicity was PTI s manifesto that would be implemented in letter and spirit.
No one is VIP now. Development of Pakistan is our collective objective, the CM reiterated. I am the chief minister of the entire province and ready for tackling kinds of challenges, he maintained.
The KP chief minister made it clear that he will not live in CM House. The CM said people have highest expectations from PTI government and he would make untiring efforts to fulfil on their expectations.