Imported goods: major attempt of fraudulent clearance foiled

27 Aug, 2018

Customs Intelligence, Karachi has foiled a major attempt of fraudulent clearance of imported goods including old/used machinery imported from Korea/UAE through mis-declaration and violations of import conditions. Sources in the Customs Intelligence has confirmed that in pursuance of the said received information regarding mis-declaration of description and clearance of undeclared goods from Karachi port, the Customs Intelligence Karachi, blocked four consignments comprising of old/used machinery imported from Korea/UAE by M/s Fatima Traders, M/s M A Impex, M/s Sinco Steel Re-Rolling Mills & M/s Toheed Brothers respectively.
Customs Intelligence officials, on a specific information of its Director General, Shaukat Ali, has foiled a major attempt of fraudulent clearance of imported goods, by way of mis-declaration and breach of the import restrictions in vogue, at Karachi. The consignments were cleared through the red channel (after examination) from MCC, Appraisement (West), Karachi vide GDs filed through clearing agent.
The staff of Customs Intelligence had to face stiff resistance from the terminal operator vis-à-vis grounding / examination of the containers despite the fact that they were blocked at ''gate out'' stage after completion of all codal formalities by the clearance Collectorate, including even issuance of the gate passes. The terminal operator repeatedly obstructed the re-examination process and also attempted to get the grounded containers re-stuffed and closed on the purported instructions of the clearance Collectorate. Re-examinations were eventually carried out by the Customs Intelligence to ascertain the factual position. As a result, huge differences have been unearthed resulting in evasion/short levy of duty/taxes besides clearance of used items in violation of Appendix-C of the Import Policy Order, 2016. Total assessable value of four consignments comes to Rs 27.01 million as against declared value of Rs 19.345 million, involving evasion of duty / taxes to the tune of Rs 4.492 million, sources said.
The consignments have been accordingly seized under the relevant provisions of the Customs Act, 1969. Criminal proceedings have also been initiated against the importers, clearing agent and the relevant Customs staff and further investigation is in progress, the sources added.

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